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We conduct Relaxation Therapy Programs to enhance wellbeing of people (and groups). Relaxation techniques are vital tools to reduce stress symptoms and help to increase the quality of life. Relaxation involves the calming down both mind and body. It helps you to effectively cope up with everyday stressors and stress-related health problems.

Our relaxation therapy programs include

  • Education / awareness about stress / relaxation
  • Practically do various relaxation exercises
  • Provide guidance on to how to continue relaxation exercises, record the progress and evaluate

There are various types of relaxation techniques (eg. Observation of breath, simple relaxation, mindful body scan, deep muscular relaxation, mindfulness, imagination etc.) We help the individuals to find their own methods of relaxation where they can get the maximum level of relaxation and welbeing.

Benefits of Relaxation

When faced with numerous responsibilities and tasks or the demands of an illness, relaxation techniques may take a back seat in your life. But that means you might miss out on the health benefits of relaxation.

Practicing relaxation techniques can reduce stress symptoms by:

  • Physical and mental relaxation
  • Improves health
  • Reduces stress
  • Reduces insomnia
  • Natural changes in breathing
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Increases energy
  • Improves ability of concentration
  • Improves memory
  • Improves intelligence
  • Reducing anger and frustration
  • Boosting confidence to handle problems 



We provide behavioural therapy treatments for individuals and groups, who need to eliminate maladaptive behaviors and inculcate new healthy behaviours. Generally, behavioural therapy is used for those who are with behavioural problems or mental health conditions that involve unwanted or maladaptive behaviour. (Eg. addictions, anxiety, phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Research provide evidence that human behavior is learned and therefore, it can be unlearned by utilizing a systematic therapeutic approach. Simultaneously, behavior can be identified as a consequence of thoughts and feelings. Therefore, integrated forms of therapy; such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is also used. In therapy, we help the individuals to modify their behavior in a healthier manner by utilizing the most suitable behavior therapy approach to benefit the clients.


We conduct energy healing session for individuals and small groups for those who need to channel universal energy towards healing physical ailments and psychological distress arise in daily hassles. The energy healing sessions help the participants to learn more about the energies in the universe and how to use those positive forces of energy to heal physical and psychological illnesses / difficulties and enhance wellbeing.

Energy Healing is a therapeutic process that manipulates the energy circuits in the physical body to regain balance and facilitate the innate healing mechanisms within the body. Energy healing enables the healing process by clearing blocks in the energy body, repairing and rebalancing the energy levels within the body to a level where it is able to access the innate ability to heal itself. Energy healing also helps to identify and treat the ailments at initial level and heal them before they manifest as physical or psychological illness.

Conditions that can be benefitted with energy healing:


  • Helps to heal the physical health problems
  • Restore balance within systems of the physical body
  • Increase wellbeing
  • Increase immunity


  • Clear internal psychological blocks
  • Helps to create a positive mindset to attract success and abundance
  • Enhance emotional regulation
  • Defeat psychological barriers and unleash the hidden talents within the self


  • Increase self-awareness, gain more stability to life
  • Enhance the ability to understand the purpose and meaning of living
  • Gain insights to life to guide towards positive direction



Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a therapeutic approach which incorporates mindfulness techniques to reduce stress, which is derived due to multiple reasons; such as physical and psychological illnesses, poor emotional regulation, lack of soft skills, social and occupational pressure etc. MBSR can be used with adults and generally with children who are above seven years.

In therapy, we provide assistance to clients to increase awareness of self and to be mindful about the things they do by employing general mindfulness exercises. The bio-chemical reaction that takes place in MBSR helps the individuals to awaken their potential, increase the level of tolerance, have clarity in mind, improve creativity, gain more stability to life, enhance higher mental functions such as logical thinking, reasoning, memory etc. The ultimate goal of MBSR is to empower the individual to manage stress effectively, train to be mindful about the self, things he does and uplift the living standards and increase the quality of life.



We provide a special on-going therapeutic assistance for children to find their own way of learning and make learning a pleasant experience while enriching them with good values and morals through special psychological and therapeutic methods. “Remedial Teaching” is not a general class that covers the syllabus, but teaching the students “how to learn”.

We cater the children who

  • are performing below average and need a special assistance for education
  • have specific difficulties in reading, writing and in intellectual activities
  • find learning as difficult, unpleasant and challenging
  • are performing in (or above) average level and need to achieve the next level in education

The children are enrolled to Remedial Teaching program after a therapeutic consultation, which would help to identify the areas the child needs assistance. An experienced group of therapists provide assistance to take the child through a therapeutic learning process to meet his educational requirements and enrich the child with good values.


We provide Speech and Language Therapy services for both children and adults who experience difficulties in making speech output, language learning / understanding problems, voice problems, difficulties in pronunciation and articulation. We also support those undergo difficulties in eating and swallowing secondary to medical or neurological problems.

We also provide assistance to children who have specific learning difficulties with strategies to improve learning in a therapeutic framework.

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