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We provide specialized psychological services for children, adolescents, and adults of all ages. We offer a high quality, evidence-based service on comprehensive psychological evaluation and intervention for our clients including individual, family, and group counselling and psychotherapy. Our expertise of service include identification and treatment of psychological problems such as anxiety disorders, behavioral problems, pre-marital, marital and psycho-sexual problems, family, education and career related issues.
Our goal is to provide our clients a productive and effective service to enhance wellbeing. We are committed and responsible towards preserving the privacy and confidentiality of the clients, treat them with respect, integrity and hospitality.
The chief counsellor of GLOBAL MINDS INSTITUTE OF PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES (PVT) LTD is Mr. Prasanna Jayatilake, who is a Psychologist and Consultant Counsellor with hands on experience in the field of counselling and psychotherapy over 22 years.


  1. Psychological Counselling

We provide assistance for the individuals of all ages to enhance psychological and emotional wellbeing. The psychological counselling services supports the individual with psychological difficulties such as phobias, behavioral problems, post-traumatic stress conditions, anxiety and stress related issues etc. to function in the optimal level as a person, at home and work, effectively manage distress and enrich interpersonal relationships.

We empower the individuals with strategies to have balanced and realistic living to enhance their recovery and quality of life.

  1. Career Counselling

We empower the individuals with knowledge and enhance understanding about themselves and the world of work in order to make effective and most suitable educational, career and life decisions. Career counselling also focuses on self and career exploration, career development, effectively dealing with career related issues, strategies to reach the next level in job, increase work efficiency, motivation and the skills in inter-personal and social behaviors.

We also provide guidance for those who explore career options to find out their path of success through discovering the true talents of the individuals. The employees / professionals who anticipate a career change may get the opportunity to go for the best change. We empower people to maintain a healthy balance between home and work, and thereby increase the quality of life.

  1. Educational Counselling

We provide assistance and guidance for the students of all segments of studies towards achieving academic success. We empower the students with strategies to excel in studies, improve memory, concentration, and effectively deal with exam fears, procrastination and distress. If required, we also would interact with parents, guardians and teachers in order to deliver the best in the process of counselling.

In educational counselling, we focus on understanding the student as a whole; including his/her hopes, dreams, aspirations, strengths, weaknesses, family and social factors etc. and help the student to make correct choice / investment in education. Simultaneously, we focus on to groom the students’ personality and cultivate morals and maintain a balanced and healthy life to face the intense competition in education and accomplish the goals.

  1. Pre-Marital Counselling

We offer help and guidance for couples who are getting ready to marry, with strategies on how to select the right partner for life, plan future, lead a happy married life through accomplishing commitments, how to handle difficult situations, maintain balance between home and office etc.

Pre-marital counselling helps to identify and address the potential areas of issues and conflicts which may arise in a long – term relationships at the earlier stage in life and resolve them before they grow into serious issues. We help the couples to understand the expectations and commitments in as partners planning to start a long journey in life. We also aim to educate the couples on the importance of developing qualities such as sharing, discussing, understanding, mutual respect etc. to enhance a harmonious and a happy married life.

  1. Marital Counselling

We provide help and guidance for couples to identify and resolve the conflicts of all types and misunderstandings that arise in leading a married life. We ensure a professional guidance to address these problems in an effective therapeutic manner, before they reach to a point of crisis. We discuss with couples (or separately) about strategies to improve relationships and avoid possible future problems. We also educate them about the core principles and values of a family life and how they positively influence to strengthen relationship within the couple. Through marital counselling, we guide the couples explore effective ways in interacting with the partner, learn appreciate simple things in life, re-discover each other in a happy, healthy and harmonious family relationship.

  1. Psycho-sexual Counselling

We provide professional help, guidance and education on how to identify and overcome psychological complications that affect in sexual life, the ways to prevent such problems in future and leading to a harmonious relationship. Psycho-sexual counselling helps partners or individuals to steer through this complex aspect of human relationship.

We provide a safe, friendly and non-judgmental environment where the couples / individuals can discuss their problems freely and learn ways to find solutions to distressing problems and have a healthy relationship.

  1. Family Counselling

We provide counselling service to help individuals and families to deal with relationship and interpersonal problems with spouse, children and other family members in marriage, separation and divorce. Through family counselling, we focus to enhance unity, happiness and harmony within the family.

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