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“Science of Living for Success” is a unique course that introduces a multi-dimensional approach to life, which enables an individual to see the life in different, virtual perspectives, and thereby, to maintain balance in life. The course guides to learn, understand and practice laws of success and to become a self-motivated person, through proven scientific, psychological and traditional methods to achieve success in life.  

Science of Living for Success is highly recommended for anyone that are ambitious to achieve higher levels of success within both personal and professional domains. Science of Living especially focuses to identify the root causes of the existing challenges in life, work, social relationships, soft skills and guides the individual to find realistic and practical solutions.  

Course Overview

  • Multi – dimensional approach to life
  • Para – psychological interpretation on life forces
  • Power of rays and vibrations
  • Universal laws
  • Different religious and philosophical perspectives on success
  • Attracting success
  • Goal setting
  • Leading to a satisfied life
  • Tools of success
  • Building life philosophy

Benefits for the Organization:

  • To have employees within the organization with balanced and realistic thinking
  • Increase efficiency, productivity and service excellence
  • Enhance customer service and satisfaction
  • Increase profits
  • Achieve the organizational targets place it in the next level of success

Benefits for Participants:
Through the course, the participants will learn and understand,

  • To have balance between vital eight dimensions of life
  • The ways to increase inner happiness, health and relaxation
  • To maintain effective and healthy relationships and communication skills
  • The nature of universal laws and use them effectively to attract success
  • To be empowered with required skills to excel in job performance
  • The responsibility of the self towards the job and ways to give the maximum service to the organization and nation

Course Details

Name of the Course Science of Living for Success
Duration 03 Months (3½ hours per day x 14 Sessions)
Total Number of Learning Hours 75 Hours (Coursework – 45 Hours, Assignments & Self-Studies – 30 Hours)
Methodology Lectures, Discussions, Group Activities,       Presentations, Assignments
Medium                                          Mixed Mode (Sinhala & English)



A four (04) months certificate course with practical activities to improve counselling skills, which would help to relieve your burdens and drive your organization towards ultimate success. You will be introduced with proven psychological and counselling methods to create a friendly and comfortable working climate to meet with your organizational targets.

What is special about the course?

  • Practical sessions conducted by experienced counsellors & psychologists
  • Gradually develop counselling skills through daily practices with individualized attention on participants
  • Opportunity to practice counselling skills with real clients
  • Use video/audio feedback techniques to enhance learning
  • Practices in air-conditioned lecture halls

Course Overview

  • Basic counselling skills
  • Micro counselling skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Effective commination skills
  • Case management skills
  • Group dynamics
  • Ethical issues
  • Maintaining reports & referrals
  • Using counselling skills in work setting
  • Practical activities

Special benefits for participants

  • Effectively use counselling skills in communication
  • Be excellent in grievance handling
  • Enhance interpersonal relationships
  • Develop presentation skills
  • Excellent in team work and thereby increase the organization’s productivity


Course Details

Name of the Course Counselling Skills Development Course
Duration 04 Months (6 hours per day x 16 Sessions)
Total Number of Learning Hours 120 Hours (Coursework – 96 Hours, Assignments & Self-Studies – 24 Hours)
Methodology Lectures, Discussions, Group Activities,       Presentations, Assignments
Medium                                          Mixed Mode (Sinhala & English)

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